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Our members - Associations


English Riviera BID Company - Angie Wright

5 Vaughan Parade, Torquay, TQ2 5JG

01803 296296



Torquay Bowling Club - Diane Needham

Torquay Bowling Club was founded in 1889, plays in Belgrave Road -directly opposite to The Belgrave Sands Hotel, it is a club owned, operated and managed entirely by its members,however,new members are always welcome.


10 Belgrave Road, Torquay, TQ2 5HP


07952 816209





Torbay United Licensed Drivers Association - Jacqueline Nickels

We are just starting out at the request of licensed drivers across the Bay. We are a not for profit private company limited by guarantee company number 13712269. Our association is open to anyone working in the taxi trade within Torbay we are also affiliated to the National Private Hire and Taxi Association (NPHTA).

We want to work with the Local authority and other statutory and voluntary organisations to promote safe working and best practices for the benefit of our members and the general public with regard to the carriage of passengers or goods in properly licensed vehicles between such places as our association member(s) may from time to time determine and the doing of all other things incidental or conducive to the attainment of that object.


52 Marldon Road, Shiphay,Torquay,TQ2 7EF








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